Help Employees Decipher Phishing & Social Engineering Attempts
Posted by LOUIS PLUMMER on
Help Employees Decipher Phishing & Social Engineering Attempts
To err is human – not an individual flaw. If an employee falls victim to the above, keep in mind that these schemes succeed by way of extreme manipulation. Couple that with inadequate company-provided security training and it’s a recipe for disaster.
Phishing scams and social engineering attacks are designed to weaponize our most basic human emotions. A hacker's main goal is to hook, line, and sinker anyone who lets their guard down. Experienced cybercriminals can use the information they’ve deceptively gathered to target your network in the process. But identifying “phishy” smelling scams isn’t always easy (that’s kind of the point). Giving employees a quick reference checklist can be useful in helping them vet suspicious emails or messages in real-time. Be sure to instruct them on who to reach out to and where to send anything that seems out of the ordinary.